Our founder, Dr. Ting, was invited to be a guest judge at Collingwood School in West Vancouver. We are honored to engage with the local youth community by providing career enrichment opportunities and experiences for students. Our goal is to positively impact and guide them in their personal career pathways. Dr. Ting shared her experiences as a medical doctor and innovative entrepreneur, helping students improve and modify their inventions of specialized kitchenware for the physically challenged community. The students presented numerous creative ideas, leading to meaningful discussions on how to incorporate these concepts into practical utensils. Together, we worked on designing a product line, developing a marketing strategy, determining pricing, and ensuring sustainability.
我們的創始人丁醫生受邀擔任西溫哥華私立學校Collingwood School的客座評委。我們很榮幸能通過為學生提供職業發展機會和體驗,積極參與當地青少年社區。希望能對他們的個人職業道路產生積極影響並提供指導。丁醫生分享了她作為醫生和創新企業家的經驗,幫助學生為身體障礙群體設計特殊廚房用品。學生們展示了很多創意點子,繼而大家進行一場非常有趣和具意義的討論,共同探討如何將這些創意融入實際用具。最終,我們一起設計了產品線,制定了市場策略、定價方案,並確保產品的可持續性。